Original products

A crash bar with built-in highway pegs for Yamaha Drag Star XVS 400, 650 А Castom

A crash bar with built-in highway pegs for Yamaha Drag Star XVS 400, 650 А Castom

A crash bar for Yamaha Drag Star XVS 400, 650A Classic

A crash bar for Yamaha Drag Star XVS 400, 650A Classic

A crash bar with built-in highway pegs for Suzuki Intruder Classic 400 (2003-2008year)

A crash bar with built-in highway pegs for Suzuki Intruder Classic 400 (2003-2008year)
About us.

About us.

Our company is in the market of Ukraine since 2004. Main direction of our company - manufacturer of a variety of Motorcycle parts from stainless steel, and, accordingly, wholesale and retail their own products. 

The site shows not all of our work, since the site is under development, and not always after production had a camera at hand. Ask those who travel with our products, if you have good photos - share :-).

Individual approach to each order, depending on the customer's wishes and style motorcycle.

In manufacturing, it is very desirable motorcycle and customer presence with us. This will speed up the manufacturing process, and will enable you to adjust your own wishes directly during the manufacturing process, as well as remove all the strange situation.

Give a guarantee - 1 year.

Repair of our products and take to repair any products from stainless steel.

  • Used as raw material stainless steel AISI 304 (Italian and German).
  • Technology - argon welding and polishing to a mirror finish.
  • We accept orders for restoration and repair of stainless steel products.

Large production experience and high quality of employees guarantee output of the highest quality.
