A crash bar for Kawasaki Vulcan VN900 (2007-2015year)
This crash bar is an essential accessory for your motorcycle as it is specifically designed to protect your engine from mechanical damage and prevent personal injury. Made from 32mm stainless steel tubing, it guarantees long-lasting durability and resistance to corrosion, unlike chrome-plated bars that tend to corrode due to rain, moisture, poor weather, or washing. Moreover, if it gets scratched, it can be easily repaired. The components are precisely laser-cut, and the welds are sanded and polished to ensure quality and aesthetics. The bar comes with bolts and washers that make it easy to fit onto your motorcycle. With its perfectly welded and smooth finish, this crash bar is both functional and stylish.
Item specifics:
(Can be made without a motorcycle, there is a pattern)
purchaser Iгор , 02.02.2018. Rating 4 .Вчора ставив на мотоцикл. Ділюсь враженнями та результатом.
Вцілому все добре. Всі отвори під кріплення співпали. Бачок гальмівної рідини сів на своє місце- без зауважень.
Однак платформа для ніг з правої сторони має прямий контакт з дугою.
У мене до Вас притензій немає.
Я купував мотоцикл відновлений, можливо є невідповідність рами.
Просто Вам на майбутне, майте на увазі. Для мене це не критично, дуги виглядають добротно, результатом я задоволений, функцію захисту перевіряти не хочеться :)
Дякую за роботу, удачі.
Ігор.Дуги Kawasaki Vulkan, вид справа. -
purchaser Iгор , 02.02.2018. Rating 5 .
Дуги Kawasaki Vulkan, спереду. -
purchaser Iгор , 05.02.2018. Rating 5 .
Дуги Kawasaki Vulkan, Контакт з платформою. -
purchaser Юрій Григорович , 02.10.2024. Rating 5 .Дуже вам вдячний, . Гарна робота, золоті руки, буду вас рекомендувати друзям. Вдалого вам дня.
Дуги Kawasaki Vulkan 900 Castom Дуги Kawasaki Vulkan 900 Castom
Why crash bars?
The main function of motorcycle crash bars - this motorcycle engine protection in case of a fall . It's no secret that the fall motorcycle not equipped with safety arcs , are fatal motor damage , and repair and replacement of parts not require small cash investment. In addition to motorcycle engine arc / slider , depending on their structure can protect and other expensive parts motorcycles - whether plastic elements , radiator, gas tank , turn signals and other spare parts . Rollover attach the bike and elegant appearance , studies have shown the International Motorcycle Manufacturers Association , protect the feet of a side collision rider Motorcycle passenger car. In addition to the arcs easier to pick up the bike , especially if it is a curb weight of over 200 kg. Taking into account all vyshenapisannoe , we can say with certainty that the rollover bar - originally the most necessary accessories for a motorcycle.
More motorcycle crash bars on a motorcycle made to order. On the site you can see the most rasprostanenie crash bars and order them by contacting us.
You can also buy the crashbar on your motorcycle (Honda, Suzuki, Yamaha, Kawasaki, Harley Davidson, Victory, BMW ...) or other items simply by calling us on the contact details.If you have not found the item on our website, just call us and we will provide you with all the necessary advice and deliver your desired body kit on the bike as soon as possible.
And if you're traveling by motorbike Kawasaki Vulcan to us, we promise to make the product you are interested in your presence for a maximum of 24 hours. Toist arrived on Saturday morning, in the evening you can go with crashbars or trunk with backrest.